Jonathan’s Blog 20th May

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Eric Twiname Trust
Wot-tac were delighted to provide three free wot-tacs for the tombola at the 25th anniversary Eric Twiname trust sailing championships. There were 327 sailors in Rutland Water for the championships. I well remember my days as a youngster learning to sail and having a great time. Sailing has been my life since those early days and I hope that all the youngsters starting to sail enjoy the sport as much as I do. The Eric Twiname Trust tombola raised a grand total of £900 and I am please that we at wot-tac have been able to play a small part in encouraging sailing in youngsters. Best of luck to the winners of the wot-tac and I hope they’ll be able to use for predicting start line bias and wind angles for the rest of the season.
The wot-tac distributor in Italy Domenico Boffi of Ios cube will be taking the wot-tac to the J/80 Italian championship and he’s going to launching an Italian web site very shortly for the wot-tac. Good news and i’m pleased that he’s developing the sales so quickly. Sailing in Italy has some great venues including Lake Garda that has some fantastic winds. I’ve sailed a number of times on the regattas on the lake and always the sailing has been great fun. Predicting the course and wind direction and getting the tactics right for sailing is so important and I’m sure that the Italians want to win races as we all do so using the wot-tac gives them the extra advantage and edge they need.
Edinburgh cup
Just had really good news on the sailing front. I will be helming in a Dragon in the Edinburgh Cup in Abersoch in July. I had been hopeful of being able to get an opportunity to do some serious racing this year and this should be one of the chances I’ll get. On an entirely different note I shall be taking a Cork 1720 to regatta in Ireland later in the summer too as well as taking part in the One Ton regatta in august. So it looks like a very busy and active sailing summer.
The dragon is very exciting to race especially in the waters near Abersoch. The members of the South Caernarfonshire Yacht Club have done exceptionally well to get the Edinburgh Cup to Abersoch this year. I wish Rob and all the members of the South Caernarfonshire Yacht Club the very best of success.
There are going to be upwards of 35 Dragons competing this year and it comes at a time when the fleet in Abersoch is increasing and when Rob [of JKA Sailmakers ] is putting in a lot of hard work to increase the Dragon fleet there. Anybody interested in Dragon racing can get more details for the British Dragon Association web site –

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wot-tac explained

Using the wot-tac is simple.

  • First, find the bearing of the true wind direction.
  • Second, set the bearing into the dial, which clicks every five degrees and then
  • Move the pointer arm to the same bearing.

wot-tac is ready!

Use it once you’ll never sail without it